Your donation ends senior isolation.

Technology is what keeps us all connected. As a SoulRaphian, you empower isolated seniors to experience the joy of connected living.

Discover the impact you have on not only residents but also their caretakers. An important part of supporting our residents is making sure the people that care for them are appreciated too!


Your contribution makes a direct impact:

* providing technology to keep residents connected * sending virtual and physical greetings from the community * producing customized weekly media programming * hosting in-person resident events with our community partners * providing caretaker support, including meals and gifts

Senior Impact

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This video is extremely special because this resident is in a memory care unit and typically can’t speak fluidly, however the music in this performance from our #hopeforseniors campaign unlocked her memory. This is because music is stored in an area of our brain that Alzheimer’s/ Dementia doesn’t touch! She heard the song and shared with us off camera how she always wanted to learn piano but didn’t have the time. In the video she says, “Oh, what a nice guy, good family...not sure if he will remember me but tell him I’m really appreciative of all the stuff he did for me, he was always so nice!” She saw a smiling face, then heard how she was loved and made an instant connection with a heart bond. In her mind, she gets the comfort of thinking this person has been their friend their entire life and is checking in on her! What comfort for her to get to experience love!!

A group of seniors got to enjoy some of our messages from our community #hopeforseniors campaign together. The one woman in the clip says at the end: “Oh they’re so cute, I want to clap.” And they all joined in clapping for our performers. How sweet!!

Check out one of our residents receiving a Valentine's visit this week from our SoulRapha Executive Director and viewing our very first message of hope for our #hopeforseniors campaign. When she asked him to recall his favorite Valentine's Day he said, "The one where the girl kissed me!" They had a good laugh! PS: our friend here is 100 years old and still full of joy to get to interact with us.

Another hit with our first song #hopeforseniors campaign song performance! This woman asks her caretaker to let them know that she loves them too! When you send a cheerful message to our residents, it really makes a difference!!

This is another memory care patient so we cannot share her face. However, the emotion in the video is evident. We shared a Spanish Send a Smile message with her since she is fully Spanish speaking. The video says: “We love you lots, you are not forgotten. And even though we’re apart right now, our hearts and good thoughts are with you....” The woman responds saying things like: “Oh my gosh.... Yes, excellent. The girls, they are growing so much......and (sigh) my heart beats (wells up).” The reason she responded like this is because in her mind she thought this was her family. Her heart was warmed and she had a very positive experience. Your messages make a huge difference to our residents!

Caregiver Impact

Our Christmas campaign for caregivers was a huge success! Our incredible volunteers packed thousands of Christmas Gift boxes on December 14, 2020, for the frontline caretakers at our 50 facility partners! Over 300 volunteers showed up in waves at Mariners Church campuses across Orange County, CA. We're so grateful to our partners and volunteers! 

Hear how Martha was personally impacted by our caregiver campaign for Valentines Day 2021 and why she chose to becomes a caretaker. She shares her thanks for the gift and how it makes her feel loved. She in turn enjoys bringing a smile to her residents each and every day!

Follow our journey.